Asian Leather is 100% export base co. in Bangladesh. Asian leather is an export house is planning to export finished, semi-finished cow, Sheep and Goat leather of excellent quality ready for export.
Leather in Bangladesh
Leather is the basis of one of the oldest industries in Bangladesh and plays a significant role in the national economy with a good reputation worldwide. This is an agro-base by –product industry with locally available indigenous raw materials having a potential for export development and sustained growth over the coming years. Bangladesh leather is widely known around the world for its high qualities of fine grain, uniform fiber structure, smooth feel and natural texture. There is great potential for the leather industry in Bangladesh to become one of the country’s major foreign exchange earners, experts say.
Overview of Recent Sustainable Developments
The Government of Bangladesh has identified the leather sector as one with considerable growth and investment potential ranked fifth in the export earning sector. Currently Bangladesh produces and exports quality bovine and ovine, caprine (buffalo and cow; sheep and goat) leathers that have a good international reputation for fine textured skins. However, the entire leather sector meets only 0.5% of the world’s leather trade worth US$75 billion. There are about 113 tanneries in Bangladesh that produce 180 million square feet of hides and skins per year. In addition there are about 30 modern shoe manufacturing plants engaged in the production of high-quality footwear, with over 2500 smaller footwear manufacturers also present in the sector. There are around 100 small-to-medium leather goods manufacturers, and a small number of niche larger manufacturers. The sector directly employs approximately 558 000 people. Most of the tanneries do not have proper effluent plants and generate 20 000m(3) tannery effluent and 232 tones solid waste per day. Tannery liquid and solid wastes are a potential pollutant but also have a potential value. Specific technologies to convert wastes are required. These vary from crude and simple to highly sophisticated and complex. A proposed new leather park is expected to bring a clear transformation to the leather industry with a marked increase in production, product diversification and new product lines with increased sustainability of the sector.
Why Bangladesh
Bangladesh has a fairly large livestock population to support a strong and growing tanning industry. Table II shows that cow hides account for 56% of the production, goat skins for 30% and buffalo makes up the rest. The current output in Bangladesh is about 200million sq.ft. of leather annually. Apart from bovine hides, buffalo, goat and sheep; a good quantity of kangaroo hides (picked condition/wet-blue) are imported from Australia and finished in Bangladesh, shoes are made of this kangaroo leather for export, mostly to Japan. Some ostrich leather is also imported from Australia for production of high quality and high priced bags and wallets for re-export to Australia
Leather industry of Bangladesh comprises tanning and finishing, footwear and footwear components, leather accessories, leather goods. Self-sufficiency in raw materials, quality products, market access facilities, growing demand for leather and leather products, abundant and competitive labor cost, preferred sourcing by several international brands make the leather sector an attractive destination for public and foreign investment. Relocation of tanneries will ensure environmental compliance, improve working condition and increase image in the global leather industry
(1) The reduction of environment threats and increase of the export potential of Bangladeshi leather products .More efficient use of natural resources and significantly reduce environmental pollution and waste in the Bangladeshi leather sector
(2) More efficient use of energy and implementation of measures for consumption reduction
(3) Improved occupational safety and health and other international standers to enhance the exportability of Bangladesh leather products a strengthened institutional structure
Used of leather technology
(1) It is noted for fever cure that Bangladesh tannery industry is using the latest western technology of Italy and Germany by installing. Leather proceeding plant and equipment all of which ensures and quarters the unrivalled and unbeaten quality of leather for shoe upper and leather garment in stiff competes with India, china and vietnam in the world market as our challenging statement of lather export sector in Bangladesh.
(2) It is further added our tannery industry is using the best leather dies chemicals from Italy and France ensuring various color a20 free vegetable and original color of shoe upper leather as safe guard of leather quality comfortable and hygiene shoe production in the world market.
(3) Regarding supply linkage we have exclusive job contact with more than 300 world class tannery industry in Bangladesh who is committed to supply excellent export leather as per buyer specification of quality in scheduled time period of export order.
Quantity our export house is ready to export minimum 10, 00 sft consequently up to 1.00 lace sft on consequent basis by air by land or by ship as per buyer order placement. Payment Our export house is committed to export good leather shoe upper leather bags wallet leather and leather shoes leather garments leather belts as per buyers order and specification.